Before dessert we had an opportunity to visit a ceramic artist who lives a few hundred feet from the place we had dinner. They live in a building that was built in the early 1700s to support the iron industry in the area. The building originally housed eight families and is made of unfired clay bricks (similar to adobe). The building was in disrepair when the artist purchased it in the 1970s and started renovating to make it her home. She operates a ceramics shop that had a variety of plates and bowls for sale.
We all enjoyed the aquavit – especially with her beer and wine chasers.
Today’s adventure took us to a paper mill were we learned all about the paper carton manufacturing process and Swedish history from the big bang to today. The paper industry replaced the ironworks industry in the late 1800s. The lakes and rivers in the area have a red tint to them due to the high amounts of iron in the soil and rocks.
After our return from the paper mill, we went to the Systembolaget – the liquor store that is ran by their government. Only the government in Sweden can operate liquor stores – it is evidently quite a monopoly.
This evening, Anders and his family are hosting us at a Swedish bar-b-que. I am having problems with trying to upload today’s pictures --- so I’ll put up more from yesterday.
Our meeting at their high school. Left to right: Eva (our host), Kristi, Eric, Pete, Joe and Cassie.
We are all enjoying the commentary. Salmon ... how wonderful. And taking your shoes off for class ... now I know why I am inclined to do that at my house! Scandinavian genes.
Hi Eric: Sounds like you are all having a great time with that Scandinavian hospitality. So much to experience, so little time. Keep up the good work. Love to read your blog.
Jan C
Hi you guys, It looks like you have been well taken care of at the Visit to my home, in Lindesberg.
I just arrived back in sweden and slept for 13 hours straight and feel back in business. Its was great to meet my family again---4 weeks is a long time to be away...
All my best to your entire GSE team - We really wish you the very best visit in Sweden. Keep your eyes and ears open, be inspired and Enjoy !!!
Best regards Toby w. family
Yo Bubba (Cassie)! It is dinner time where you are, wonder what you are having today. It looks beautiful there, hope the weather is great! Michael Leo says "Bu-Bu", think he's asking for you! Love you. Jenny, Kevin and Leo
Keep up the good work Peter!! I've been watching you grow for so long now and it is a joy to see you representing us in Sweden! I'm so proud of all of you! I can't wait to see you when you get back, Peter, and you can share all of these amazing experiences with me:)
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